The scenery in the Awesomatix Pro Stock class is thrilling before the last race of Season #16 2023/24. Ollie Bultynck (Awesomatix) has a one point advantage over Adam Izsay (Xray) and they will battle it out at Arena Nova in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. We asked them quickly about their feelings right before the championship deciding showdown!

Adam Izsay – “I am looking forward to a close fight with Ollie at Arena Nova”
Adam, the season is coming to an end now and you are still in the fight with Ollie Bultynck for the overall championship in the Pro Stock class. What kind of battle do you expect in Austria?
I expect a close battle also on the last round of the championship as it was on all the previous rounds. It will be close again and I hope that I can win the race :-). It’s a new place for the ETS, but i’m really looking forward to race at the Arena Nova in Wiener Neustadt.

You have made such a huge step in the last 12-24 months when we look onto your race results. What do you think is your key to improve so much latestly?
I have been driving 1:10 onroad for around 2,5 years only so everything was new at the beginning and I needed to learn a lot about driving and setup, but I was practicing and racing as much as I could which helped a lot. I am also thankful for all the help from the team which is a big part of the success and improvements I could achieve.
Are you planning to race at the IFMAR worlds in November? If so, will you compete in Stock or Modified at Finishline RC Raceway?
I would like to race at the IFMAR Worlds again and try to improve on my 3rd place from the previous WC in Gubbio 2022. But it’s still not decided if I can be there this year. If I can go, I will drive stock again and give my very best!

Olivier Bultynck – “It would mean a lot for me and the team to win the overall Pro Stock title”
Ollie, you are leading by one point going into the deciding race of the season. Adam is in a great form, the same as you are. Are you well prepared for the showdown?
I will make sure to be well prepped and I expect another very close race against Adam and all the others. But as I have an amazing team behind me to help, I think my chances for the title are pretty good and I will go for it!

If you win the title it would be your first overall championship at the ETS. How much does the ETS mean to you and what would it mean for you to lift the trophy?
Yes, after being close 2 times I think it would matter a lot to me if I win the championship and it would mean a lot for the team as well because it is a team effort. You can not win such a championship on your own only!
You have the EFRA euros on your hometrack this year. How motivated are you to race in front of your family and friends in Belgium and do you think you will have kind of an home advantage?
Well, it puts more pressure on me but I like that. It pushes me more to practice and work harder so maybe I will have an advantage (hope so). Overall I am very motivated for the European Championship on my home track. It will be great to race so close to my home with hopefully many friends coming to watch the races. But first my motivation and concentration is to 100% on the ETS season finale in Wiener Neustadt!